BPS Bengkulu Province Wins Award Charter for Best Three Agro Provinces - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkulu Province

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BPS Bengkulu Province Wins Award Charter for Best Three Agro Provinces

BPS Bengkulu Province Wins Award Charter for Best Three Agro Provinces

August 31, 2022 | Other Activities

BPS Bengkulu Province won the award as the Three Best Agro Provinces in the Preparation of the 2023 Agricultural Census. Tuesday (30/8) in the Evaluation of the DPP-DUTL Updating Results and the Preparation of the 2023 Agricultural Census, the award certificate was handed over directly by the Deputy for Production Statistics, M. Habibullah, S.Si., M.Si. to the Commander of Agro BPS Bengkulu Province as an appreciation for the achievements that have been achieved. Previously, an assessment was carried out on the ST2023 Secretariat or commonly called the Agro Team regarding several aspects of activities, such as the Agro Room, Agro Activities, and Agro Publicity.

Full news via this link.
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