Wednesday, 15 February 2023, at the Rafflesia Hall of the BPS Bengkulu Province, a Statistical Recommendation Technical Guidance was carried out in the framework of Sectoral Statistics Development within the Bengkulu Province Regional Government.
Recommendations for statistical activities are a form of coordination between BPS and agencies implementing sectoral statistical activities in realizing One Indonesian Data (SDI). BPS provides advice and input on the design of statistical activities to be carried out by data producers (Departments/Agencies).
This Bimtek activity was attended by participants from:
1. Provincial BAPPEDA (Bengkulu Provincial SDI Secretariat)
2. Office of Kominfo Statistics Bengkulu Province (SDI Walidata Bengkulu Province)
3. Office of Manpower and Transmigration of Bengkulu Province
4. Livestock and Animal Health Service of Bengkulu Province
5. Office of Cooperatives and UKM Bengkulu Province
6. Bengkulu Provincial Health Office
7. Food Crops, Horticulture and Plantation Office of Bengkulu Province
8. PMD Office of Bengkulu Province
The completion of this activity resulted in 5 recommendations for sectoral statistics. Of course, in the future it is hoped that coordination will be even better, so that more and more departments/agencies as producers of sectoral statistical data will submit requests for statistical recommendations to BPS in order to realize One Indonesian Data (SDI).