Focus Group Discussion (FGD) One Mining and Energy Data - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkulu Province

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Focus Group Discussion (FGD) One Mining and Energy Data

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) One Mining and Energy Data

July 8, 2023 | BPS Activities

Located at the Santika Hotel, BPS Bengkulu Province held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) One Mining and Energy Data event today Thursday 6 July 2023 which was attended by representatives of mining and energy companies and related agencies/agencies.
The theme of the FGD was "Tough Collaboration to Realize Quality Mining and Energy Statistical Data". This event can be used as a forum for discussion to discuss issues regarding data collection and management in the mining and energy sector, so as to improve coordination and collaboration among relevant stakeholders, both with mining and energy companies/businesses, as well as with related agencies/agencies.
Presenting 2 (two) competent speakers in their fields, namely Mr. Andres Purmalino from the Directorate of Industrial Statistics BPS and Mr. T Nadzirin from the Mining Supervisory Office of Bengkulu Province, are expected to increase understanding of the needs and challenges faced in collecting, managing and utilizing data in the mining sector and energy, as well as solutions and breakthroughs that can help overcome these problems.
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