One Data Indonesia Steering Committee meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkulu Province

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One Data Indonesia Steering Committee meeting

One Data Indonesia Steering Committee meeting

July 18, 2023 | Other Activities

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS), represented by the Deputy for Methodology and Statistical Information, Imam Machdi also attended the 2023 Indonesia One Data (SDI) Steering Committee Meeting held by the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas (11/7). The meeting was attended by the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa; Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati; Acting Minister of Communication and Information at that time, Mahfud MD; Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Abdullah Azwar Anas; Head of the Geospatial Information Agency, Muh Aris Marfai; Head of National Cyber and Crypto Agency, Hansa Siburian; Head of the National Research Innovation Agency Laksana Tri Handoko; and the Director General of Population and Civil Registry of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Teguh Setyabudi.
In submitting BPS's response, Imam explained a number of things, such as providing a data exchange platform as part of the Digital Public Infrastructure to regulate traffic utilization of data in the National Data Ecosystem and collaboration in organizing SDI at the central and regional levels. One form of collaboration that is carried out is the existence of Thematic HR which produces HR with a broad and real impact on the government's priority programs. In this case, Socio-Economic Registration data is used as an example of SDI implementation.
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