August 21, 2023 | Other Activities
The population of Bengkulu Province aged
65 years and over or elderly (elderly), in 2035 is projected to be quite large,
namely reaching 224.79 thousand (9.51 percent).
This figure is almost close to the era
of aging population.
Meanwhile, in total, in 2035 the
population of Bengkulu is projected to be 2,364.41 thousand people or an
increase of 359.36 thousand from the population of Bengkulu in 2020 of 2,005.05
thousand people.
Another interesting thing from the
population projection results is that the rate of increase in the female
population of Bengkulu is higher than that of men. Where in 2035, the sex ratio
of the population of Bengkulu Province will be 102.65. This means there is
103 men for every 100 women. The sex
ratio will continue to decline throughout 2020–2035, indicating that the
increase in the female population exceeds the increase in the male population.
Apart from that, the dependency ratio of
the population of Bengkulu Province is also projected to increase
to 48.45 percent from 44.77 percent in
2020. This means that every 100 people of productive age (15–64 years) support
around 49 people of nonproductive age (0–14 years and 65 years).
years and above). This dependency ratio
of 48.45 percent is contributed by a dependency ratio for the young population
of 34.33 percent and a dependency ratio for the elderly population of 14.11
percent. The higher the percentage of dependency ratio indicates the higher
the burden that must be borne by the
population of productive age on the population of non-productive age.
"The results of Population
Projections are very important and needed by the government in preparing development
plans. For example, in the education sector, the projection results will be
used to estimate the number of school age population, the number of students,
the number of teachers and school buildings, so that important targets in
education can be realized well and "on target," said the Head of BPS
Bengkulu Province, Ir. Win Rizal, ME, in his opening remarks at the
Socialization of Regency/City Population Projections for Bengkulu Province
2020-2035, today (Monday, 21/8/2023).
This socialization activity presented 3
resource persons who are competent in their fields, namely M. Iqbal Apriansyah,
SH, M.P.H (Plt. Head of BKKBN Representative for Bengkulu Province), M.
Mulyana, S.P., M.Si (Sub Coordinator of Planning and Funding for Bappeda
Bengkulu Province) and Tommy Jomecho, SST., M.Si (Junior Statistician of BPS
Bengkulu Province).
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Bengkulu (BPS-Statistics Bengkulu Province)Jl. Adam Malik Km.8 Kota Bengkulu
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