JOURNALIST WORKSHOP - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkulu Province

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September 25, 2023 | Other Activities

In the Commemoration of National Statistics Day

As we know and realize, collecting and producing quality data is not cheap and easy. It requires collaboration or cooperation of various parties. BPS as a provider of official statistics must be able to provide data that truly captures the facts in the field objectively and accurately using a standardized methodology and in accordance with international standards. Apart from that, BPS must also convey this data so that it is widely disseminated and becomes a basis for the public's scientific thinking.

So that data produced by BPS can be disseminated on a massive scale, community participation is needed. Primarily journalists who are at the forefront of the press world. Therefore, to increase involvement and build shared literacy, BPS Bengkulu Province is holding a Journalists' Workshop, as one of a series to celebrate National Statistics Day (HSN) 2023.

The workshop was officially opened by the Head of BPS Bengkulu Province, Ir. Win Rizal, ME, aims to ensure that the various data produced by BPS can be interpreted well and conveyed more widely through the ink strokes of journalists/reporters and calls from students. Thus, awareness of the importance of statistical data as a basis for arguments and arguments for scientific thinking in our society can continue to increase amidst the onslaught of hoax news whose truth is difficult to account for.

The resource persons presented at this workshop were Provincial BPS Intermediate Expert Statisticians, namely Yosep Oktavianus Sitohang with material on sectoral statistical development and "Beautiful Village" development. Then there was Budi Hardiyono with material on Inflation: Meaning, Benefits and Methodology. Then Teuku Fahrulriza with material on Economic Growth, and finally there was Eko Fajariyanto with material on Poverty and Unemployment in Bengkulu Province.

Hopefully this activity can provide meaningful input for the development of statistical literacy and of course can increase the love of statistical data so that together we can spread it among society in order to make Indonesia developed.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Bengkulu (BPS-Statistics Bengkulu Province)Jl. Adam Malik Km.8 Kota Bengkulu


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