September 26, 2023 | Other Activities
National Statistics Day is not the birthday
of the Central Statistics Agency. However, National Statistics Day belongs to
the entire nation. For all statistical people in Indonesia, HSN is also a
momentum to continue to encourage the spirit of contributing to the nation and
state through providing and developing statistics.
The 2023 HSN commemoration carries the
theme "Quality Statistics for Advanced Indonesia". This theme
describes quality statistics that are important in determining the direction of
Indonesia's development, especially in realizing the Golden Indonesia Vision
As a data provider institution in
Indonesia, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of course celebrates National
Statistics Day to strengthen its role as a provider of quality statistics as
well as a supervisor of statistical data. As a national statistics office, BPS
is proud to be a provider of statistical data for the community and government,
and is committed to continuing to increase its role and contribution to
statistics in the country. As government decision support, BPS strives to
continue to produce data that is increasingly high quality, diverse and useful,
in line with national development priorities, especially towards the Golden
Indonesia Vision 2045.
Happy National Statistics Day 2023,
Quality Statistics for Advanced Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Bengkulu (BPS-Statistics Bengkulu Province)Jl. Adam Malik Km.8 Kota Bengkulu
Telp (62-736) 349117-118
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