analysis of the results of the 2023 BPS Bengkulu Province Data Needs Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkulu Province

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analysis of the results of the 2023 BPS Bengkulu Province Data Needs Survey

analysis of the results of the 2023 BPS Bengkulu Province Data Needs Survey

January 5, 2024 | Other Activities

The following is an analysis of the results of the 2023 BPS Bengkulu Province Data Needs Survey:

Consumer satisfaction with services at PST BPS Bengkulu Province is described through the IKK of services to PST BPS Bengkulu Province. The IKK value for PST BPS services for Bengkulu Province is 93.49. This means that the quality of service at PST BPS Bengkulu Province is in the very good category.

Most consumers in PST BPS Bengkulu Province use BPS data to use BPS data for development planning, monitoring and evaluation. The percentage of regional K/L/OPD consumers according to PST and the use of BPS data for development planning, monitoring and evaluation in 2023 is 95.45 percent.

Most consumers are satisfied with the service at PST BPS Bengkulu Province as shown by a satisfaction percentage of 97.79 percent. If viewed according to service attributes, the level of consumer satisfaction is above consumers' expectations (level of interest), which shows that there is no negative gap between expectations and satisfaction. However, the attribute of appropriateness of service type is a priority for improving services at PST BPS Bengkulu Province.

Consumer satisfaction with anti-corruption behavior at PST BPS Bengkulu Province is explained through IPAK. Bengkulu Province's PST BPS IPAK value is 94.12. This means that anti-corruption behavior is strictly implemented in services at PST BPS Bengkulu Province.

The percentage of consumers who are satisfied with data quality is 98.01 percent. This value shows that the quality of data from BPS providers in Bengkulu Province is in the very good category.
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