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The publication of Bengkulu Province in Figures 2025 is available and can be accessed here || Publikasi digital Provinsi Bengkulu Dalam Infografis dapat diakses disini
July 21, 2024 | Other Activities
The implementation of the selection for new student admissions for the Statistics Polytechnic STIS Phase 1 (SKD Phase) of the BPS of Bengkulu Province was held on July 20-21, 2024. The test, which was attended by 284 participants, took place at the UPT BKN Bengkulu.
The Head of the BPS of Bengkulu Province, Win Rizal, in his speech conveyed motivation to the participants to be enthusiastic and be able to work on the questions as well as possible. Participants who later pass this Basic Competency selection are entitled to take part in the next stage of selection, namely the SKB Test.
The participants who competed this year are quite special. Because not only those who have just finished high school/equivalent participated, but also those who are already active as students at various universities. There are even participants who are already in their 7th semester. In addition, there are also participants who are still enthusiastic about fighting by taking the test for the third time.