September 2021, the percentage of poor people in Bengkulu Province decrease to 14.43 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkulu Province

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September 2021, the percentage of poor people in Bengkulu Province decrease to 14.43 percent

Release Date : January 17, 2022
File Size : 5.12 MB


  • In September 2021, the number of poor people (population with monthly per capita expenditure below the Poverty Line) in Bengkulu Province reached 291.79 thousand people (14.43 percent), decreased to 14.19 thousand people compared to the conditions in September 2020 which by 305.98 thousand people (15.30 percent).
  • During the period September 2020–September 2021, the number of poor people in urban areas decreased by 570 people (from 99.4 thousand people in September 2020 to 98.83 thousand people in September 2021), as well as in rural areas decreased by 13.6 thousand people (from 206.6 thousand people in September 2020 to 192.97 thousand people in September 2021).
  • The role of food commodities on the Poverty Line is much greater than the role of non-food commodities. The contribution of the Food Poverty Line to the Poverty Line in September 2021 was recorded at 73.94 percent. This condition has increased when compared to conditions in September 2020, which was 73.86 percent.
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