The Wholesale Price Statistics of Bengkulu Province 2012 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkulu Province

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The Wholesale Price Statistics of Bengkulu Province 2012

Catalog Number : 7103003.17
Publication Number : 17541.1309
Release Date : September 13, 2013
File Size :  MB


Wholesale price presented in this publication is the average price of selected wholesalers in the capital ten districts / cities, namely Manna (South Bengkulu), Curup (Rejang Lebong), Arga Makmur (North Bengkulu), Bintuhan (Kaur), Tais (Seluma), Mukomuko (Mukomuko), Muara Aman (Lebong), Kepahiang (Kepahiang), Karang Tinggi (Central Bengkulu) and the City of Bengkulu. The price data is presented in tabular form based on the type of goods / commodities are grouped by sector. By grouping is expected to make it easier for users to obtain the type of data in the price of the goods they need.
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