National Socio-Economic Survey of Bengkulu Province 2014 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkulu Province

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National Socio-Economic Survey of Bengkulu Province 2014

Catalog Number : 3101008.17
Publication Number : 175221521
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-0861-15-9
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : October 29, 2015
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 16.78 MB


Economic datasosial is needed to know the description of process and achievement of development result as feedback material for expert and policy maker of development. Data on various aspects of the fulfillment of life needs such as clothing, food, shelter, education, health, security and employment opportunities are needed to find out how far the development program implemented has been enjoyed by different levels of society. Bersamasensus and other surveys, the National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) assumes the task of collecting socio-economic data of the population such as education, health / nutrition, housing, socio-cultural, household consumption / expenditure, which are collected through household approaches.
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