The Wholesale Price Statistics of Bengkulu Province 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkulu Province

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The Wholesale Price Statistics of Bengkulu Province 2015

Catalog Number : 7103003.17
Publication Number : 17540.1605
ISSN/ISBN : 2527-8258
Release Date : July 29, 2016
File Size :  MB


Wholesale price presented in this publication are the average price of a wholesaler elected in ten of the capital districts / cities , namely Manna ( South Bengkulu ) , Curup ( Rejang Lebong ) , Arga Makmur ( North Bengkulu ) , Bintuhan ( Kaur ) , Tais ( Seluma ) , Mukomuko (Mukomuko ) , Muara Aman ( Lebong ) , Kepahiang ( Kepahiang ) , Karang Tinggi ( Central Bengkulu ) and the Kota Bengkulu . Price data are presented in tables based on the type of goods / commodities are grouped by sector in each district . By grouping is expected to facilitate data users in obtaining the price of goods he needed.
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