Labor Force Situation in Bengkulu Province February 2016 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkulu Province

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Labor Force Situation in Bengkulu Province February 2016

Catalog Number : 2303013.17
Publication Number : 17520.1606
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-0861-45-6
Publishing Frequency : Semianually
Release Date : August 31, 2016
Language : Indonesian
File Size :  MB


This publication contains tables - tables that describe the state of the labor force in the province of Bengkulu during the first semester 2016. The data presented was obtained from the National Labour Force Survey ( SAKERNAS ) conducted in Bengkulu province on in February 2016. The number of samples Sakernas February 2016 amounted to 840 households , intended to generate numbers estimation only to provincial level . Type the table shown in this publication is generally the same as the publication Sakernas In August , the detailed by sex ( male and female ) and area ( urban and rural) , and only cover the population aged 15 years and above . In addition , in this publication also presents employment data series of the year 2013- Weighing 2016 using population projections Population Census results ( SP ) in 2010 , and the executive summary of the state of labor force in the province of Bengkulu .
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