Village Potential Statistics of Bengkulu Province 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkulu Province

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Village Potential Statistics of Bengkulu Province 2018

Catalog Number : 1105005.17
Publication Number : 17520.1806
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-086-168-5
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : December 26, 2018
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 11.8 MB


2018 Indonesia Village Potential Statistics is a series of BPS publications published three times in ten years that present the results of the Village Potential Data Collection (Podes) 2018. For Bengkulu Province, the publication prepared is "Bengkulu Province Province Potential Statistics 2018". This publication contains an overview of the level of government administration at the village level throughout Indonesia according to the availability of infrastructure and the potential of each region. Along with government needs, this publication also presents information relating to the use of Village Funds. The data and information presented in this publication are grouped into sections as follows: general village information, population and employment, housing and the environment, anticipation and occurrences of natural disasters, education and health, social and cultural, entertainment and sports , transportation, communication and information, economy, security, village autonomy and community empowerment programs, as well as information from the village government. Data and information presented at the national level are provincial level data aggregations. Meanwhile, similar publications are also made at the provincial level, which are district / city level data aggregations.
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