Bengkulu Province in Infographics 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkulu Province

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Bengkulu Province in Infographics 2021

Catalog Number : 1103022.17
Publication Number : 17000.2125
ISSN/ISBN : 972-623-6422-03-8
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : October 7, 2021
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 11.06 MB


The “Bengkulu Province in Infographics 2021” publication is an annual publication published by the Statistics-BPS of Bengkulu Province. Unlike the "Bengkulu Province in Figures" publication which presents data in the form of tables, in this publication the data is presented more concisely in the form of infographics. This publication was prepared with the intention to complement and provide convenience in reading the statistical data presented in the Bengkulu Province in Figures publication through visualization in the form of easy-to-understand infographics. In this publication, the QRCode feature has also been added to several infographics that contain links to tables on the BPS website to make it easier for data users to download data in tabular form on the desired infographics.
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