Bengkulu Province Human Development Index 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkulu Province

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Bengkulu Province Human Development Index 2023

Catalog Number : 4102002.17
Publication Number : 17000.24007
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : April 2, 2024
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 2.39 MB


The Human Development Index (HDI) is an indicator of the achievement of development of the quality of human life in society which is structured based on three basic dimensions, namely the dimension of long life and healthy living, the dimension of knowledge, and the dimension of decent living standards. The dimensions of long life and healthy living are measured by the indicator of life expectancy (AHH) at birth. The knowledge dimension is seen by the indicators of expected years of schooling (HLS) and average years of schooling (RLS). Meanwhile, the dimension of a decent standard of living is described by the adjusted per capita expenditure indicator.The publication of the Human Development Index for Bengkulu Province 2023 was prepared to provide an overview of the development achievements of the quality of life of the community in Bengkulu Province in 2023. This publication is also presented in the form of spatial analysis according to districts/cities in Bengkulu Province to find out a good human development map, position , as well as disparities between regions. In this way, it is hoped that each region can be encouraged to improve development performance through increasing the basic capacity of the population.Thank you to all those who have contributed to this publication. Constructive criticism and suggestions are needed to improve and perfect this publication in the future. We hope that this publication will be useful for the government, academics, researchers and society.
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