Synergy Strengthening With Academia - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkulu Province

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Synergy Strengthening With Academia

Synergy Strengthening With Academia

October 27, 2022 | Other Activities

Thursday morning (27/10) in the midst of unfriendly weather, BPS Bengkulu Province received a visit from the Professor of Statistics at the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), Prof. Dr. Ir. Khairil Anwar Notodiputro, MS. In his remarks he said that this visit had several objectives. In addition to friendly relations, the purpose of his visit was to introduce a development of a statistical methodology that is used when there is a shortage of samples or no samples known as Small Area Estimation (SAE). The research was conducted by his doctoral student, Etis Sunandi, with a research locus in Bengkulu Province. The discussion was held after the presentation of research results using data from BPS. In his response, Win Rizal as head of BPS Bengkulu Province welcomed the development of this statistical method and it is hoped that with this method statistical figures at the sub-district level can be produced, for example sub-district-level poverty which is currently the focus of the regional government in Bengkulu Province.
In addition, the IPB professor's visit also intended to capture aspirations that could strengthen collaboration between practitioners, namely BPS and academics. In the future, it is hoped that the acquisition of BPS data for research purposes will be easier, so that the development of statistical methodology carried out by academics will be better, so as to create synergy between BPS and academics.

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