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The publication of Bengkulu Province in Figures 2025 is available and can be accessed here || Publikasi digital Provinsi Bengkulu Dalam Infografis dapat diakses disini
February 6, 2024 | Other Activities
One manifestation of the role of BPS Bengkulu Province as a data supervisor is carrying out Technical Guidance Activities on Statistical Recommendations for OPDs in Bengkulu Province. This activity is intended to provide guidance regarding the mechanism for submitting draft statistical activities through the Statistical Recommendations application or what is called Romantik. This guidance has been carried out in stages since 2023, with the hope that all data producers in Bengkulu Province will understand the flow of submitting statistical recommendations.
This Technical Guidance for Statistical Recommendations was carried out for approximately 3 class hours on Tuesday (6/2) with material presented regarding Procedures for Filling in Statistical Recommendations via a web-based application, namely the Romantik Online application. There were 25 participants in attendance, consisting of the Bengkulu Province BPS Sectoral Statistics Dissemination and Statistics Development Team, 10 people, the SDI Secretariat Forum, 2 people, 3 Data Guardians, and 10 Data Producers.