BPS Bengkulu Province Implements Quality Gates - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkulu Province

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BPS Bengkulu Province Implements Quality Gates

BPS Bengkulu Province Implements Quality Gates

April 3, 2024 | BPS Activities

Providing quality statistical data for advanced Indonesia is the vision of BPS 2020-2024. In producing quality data, BPS makes quality assurance efforts in every statistical activity, one of which is through Quality Gates (QG). QG is useful in mitigating process risks as early as possible and as a material for evaluation, monitoring and planning for statistical quality development within the BPS environment. In 2024, QG will be carried out on 25 statistical activities. As a follow-up to the implementation of QG, BPS Bengkulu Province held a Quality Gates Operator Briefing on Wednesday (3/4) in the BPS Bengkulu Province lobby hall.

The briefing activity was opened directly by the Head of BPS Bengkulu Province, Ir. Win Rizal, M.E. and attended by 25 participants from BPS Bengkulu Province. In his direction, Win Rizal hopes for joint commitment from every line in implementing Quality Gates as an inseparable part of organizing statistical activities. This is of course in line with BPS's vision as a provider of quality statistical data for advanced Indonesia.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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