EXCESSIVE WORKING HOURS IN ELDERLY WORKERS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkulu Province

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July 13, 2024 | Other Activities

In old age or old age (elderly), namely in the age phase of 60 years and above, it is appropriate to retire from work routines and be able to enjoy old age, joking with grandchildren.

However, it turns out that there are still elderly people who work, not just working normally, but working more than the standard number of working hours or what is called excessive working hours, namely the number of working hours is more than 48 hours in a week. In Bengkulu, as many as 16.77 percent of elderly people who work are classified as working excessive hours.

There are many factors influencing the elderly to work, especially socio-demographic and socio-economic factors. Wirakartakusumah & Anwar (1994), revealed that there are at least three reasons that influence the elderly to work. First, there are still many elderly people who are physically and mentally strong so that there is no reason to leave the labor market. Second, the elderly enter the labor market because of economic pressures. Third, reasons that are not based on economic motives, but rather based on self-actualization or emotional motives.

Happy weekend, let's continue to ignite the warmth in the family. Spend quality time with loved ones.
Enjoy breakfast with SURABI (Saturday Sharing Information) BPS Bengkulu Province.
Badan Pusat Statistik

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